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Intensive English Course Mathematics 10
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This book is written for students and teachers of Mathematics Major Classes in the Project of Intensive English Course directed by the Vietnamese Ministry of Education and Training.

The main purposes of the Intensive English Course are to help:

* Equip students with fundamental knowledge, securing their capability of understanding other reference materials.

* Reinforce educational exchange and integration with other high schools regionally and globally. This book is designed with a view to accommodating students, especially those who prepare to study abroad, as well as mathematics teachers by enabling them to familiarize themselves with mathematics terms in English and thus, giving them better access to mathematics reference materials and textbooks in English-speaking countries. As it relates to mathematics curriculum in the general education system in Vietnam, this material also offers a good start for Vietnamese students who plan to take the SAT (Scholar Aptitude Test) of USA, IGCSE (International General Certificate of Secondary High School), A-Level of UK, or IB (International Baccalaureate).

The book is laid out in four units:

* Algebra

* Statistics

* Trigonometry

* Coordinate Geometry

Each unit covers 2-4 topics including theories, exercises and further readings on the history of mathematics and its applications in modern life. To facilitate students’ understanding of the theories, examples with detailed solutions to typical problems have been included in each unit as well. Further readings at the end of each unit are to boost students’ interest in mathematics.

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